
Welcome to our hub of data focused on the military spouse business owner.

Early Trend Report April 2021 Cover Image

Data from Certified Military Spouse Owned Enterprises

Early Trend Report, April 2021

The data found in this Early Trend Report is derived from the first 25 Military Spouse Owned Enterprises who were certified by the U.S. Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce. Since the sample size is small we consider the data found in this report to be informational and only for the purpose of highlighting early trends.

We proudly invite you to share the information found in this report, but implore that you share responsibly, citing and hyperlinking to this document so the data contained in the Early Trend Report is not misinterpreted to represent all military spouse owned businesses rather than the sample size for which the report is intended.

Get Certified

If you’re a military spouse business owner, you can apply for your certification by clicking this link. We vet that you are a military spouse, majority owned by military spouses, and legally formed and operating in your locale.

Hire Certified Military Spouse Owned Enterprises

If you’re a corporation looking to hire a military spouse owned business for a project or B2B enterprise, email [email protected] to learn how to advertise your open opportunties to our certified businesses.

Professional Military Spouse Data

Military spouses play a silent role in support of our Armed Forces… The result?

Among the top unemployment rates in the country, without national recognition as a protected class.

  • Military Spouse Unemployment (2021) 22% 22%
  • Persons with a Disability Unemployment (2020) 7.3% 7.3%
  • National Unemployment Rate (2020) 6.7% 6.7%
  • African American Unemployment (2020) 6.7% 6.7%
  • Veteran Unemployment (2020) 6.4% 6.4%
  • Female Unemployment (2020) 4% 4%

Cost to Society

Roughly 1 billion

$1.07 billion implication of military spouse employment, source Blue Star Families

Military spouses earn on average $12,000 per year less than their civilian counterparts, adding up to nearly $190,000 in lost earnings over a 20-year career, source 2018 White House

The Needle Hasn’t Moved


Unemployment remained statistically unchanged from 2012-2019 at rates of 22-24% before the pandemic with estimates as high as 38% during Covid-19.

22-24% unemployment rate, source 2019 Survey of Active Duty Spouses (2019 ADSS).

38% pandemic unemployment estimate, source U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes Survey

Military Spouses Have Spoken


Of ALL MilSpouses are Primarily Self Employed, Business Owners,


Of Milspouse Entrepreneurs Feel it's Right for Their Family


Of Milspouse Entrepreneurs Would Hire Other MilSpouses

Military spouses turn to business ownership or self employment as a viable career option according to the 2022 Blue Star Families Annual Survey. Of over 2,000 military spouse entrepreneur respondents, 87% believe that entrepreneurship is the right choice for their family.

Not a Small Niche, but a Mighty Force!

There are roughly 12 million military spouses…

Spouses of Current Service Members

Spouses of Veterans in the U.S.

Milspouses who are are Unemployed

Military Spouse Owned Businesses

Breaking Down the Numbers

12.2 Million – Military Spouses in total, defined as the spouse of a veteran or currently serving member of the U.S. Armed Forces.

18.8 Million – Veterans. Nearly 60% are married equating to approximately 11.2 million veteran spouses.

Nearly 1 Million Spouses of currently serving Active Duty, Guard and Reserve service members.

22 – 24% – Military Spouse unemployment rate — (Estimates for Covid-19 era were as high as 38%.)

Currently employed military spouses are related to an increase spousal support to stay in the military.

Trusted Resources

Below is vetted data, sourced from trusted resources and hyperlinked here for your convenience.

MSETF Survey Results 2020

MSETF 2020 Survey

Summary of Military Spouse Entrepreneur Task Force survey results from October of 2020.
Military Spouse Entrepreneur Toolkit Cover Photo

Military Spouse Entrepreneur Toolkit

Launch and grow your business with confidence, clarity and compliance. A toolkit authored by MSCC and published on an official government website.

Military Spouse Entrepreneur Task Force About image


Helping military spouses launch and grow their businesses with confidence and clarity.

Blue Star Families Spouse Employment

Blue Star Families

Societal Cost Analysis of the Unemployment and Underemployment of Military Spouses

IVMF Research

The Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University has an applied research initiative.

Hiring Our Heroes - Hidden Cost of Military Spouse Unemployment

This report draws insight from over 4,100 active duty, veteran, retired, National Guard, and Reserve spouse respondents to identify how their employment experiences, specifically unemployment, impact their long-term financial futures.

9-20 Military Spouse Entrepreneur Survey The Rosie Network 2

The Rosie Network Survey

The Rosie Network’s 2019-2020 Military Spouse Entrepreneur Survey.

Why Support Military Spouses?

Lost Income Compounds Over Time

Military spouses faced a staggering 22% unemployment rate prior to the global pandemic. When military spouses are employed, they earn on average $12,000 less per year than their civilian counterparts despite having higher levels of college education. Your gift will remove a financial barrier to military spouses who want to pursue entrepreneurship as a sustainable career path.

Many Milspouses Thrive in Entrepreneurship

When military spouses enter the world of entrepreneurship, it provides income, flexibility, and a career that moves with them all over the world. In a 2020 survey with over 2,000 respondents conducted by The Rosie Network, over 50% of military spouse business owners report earning six-figure+ incomes.

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