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I help people turn one-on-one connections into a supportive community web. Forge Community is a one-stop shop for practical, process-based tools and support to help you find and forge a support system every time you move. Master of Nonprofit & Civic Leadership. Certified in gender-integrated international development. Founder of Forge Community. Aspiring Navy Reserve chaplain. I LOVE collaborating, so reach out!
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Joyous Spicer
Happily married to my proud military husband who teaches AFROTC at our local high school, has 31 years active duty and is still in Civil Air Patrol and California State Guard. An Enrolled Agent, I've been preparing taxes for 30 years and as I've lived all over place I am a multi-state and military expert! As the referrals came in for being A FIXER OF PROBLEMS the Tax Resolution side of my business EXPLODED! We recently adopted a 2 year old so our hands are quite full.
Mary-Catherine LaBossiere
Mary-Catherine is a registered dietitian, military spouse, and the owner of Defy Nutrition. She started her career working in clinical research before transitioning to behavioral health and eventually private practice! Mary-Catherine helps business owners bring nutrition to their employees and customers.
Creative Brand Solutions ✨Brand Strategy ✨Web Design ✨Social Media & Brand Promotion ✨Military Spouse Advocate & Personal Branding
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