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Dr. Adam Evans is the Chief Strategy Officer and co-owner of InstantHandz, leading both expansion and educational development divisions for the company. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Kentucky, where he helped create the MBA Entrepreneurship Program. His husband Chad is an Active Duty Captain in the USAF.
Dr. Adam Evans is most involved in are adult educational methodology, entrepreneurship and curriculum for business technology.
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Jaime Chapman
Empowering military spouse careers through employment & entrepreneurship. COO & Co-Founder, US Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce
Christina Etchberger
It's a Military Life | Founder & CEO | Military Community Advocate | Creator of Veteran Pen Pal Project | Freelance Writer
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I am the proud owner of CEO, Branche Basu Boutique | Bath and Body care line. Where we focus on helping customers enjoy a spa
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Anika Wilson
As an active duty Marine spouse, I am honored to support and serve as a wife, mother, entrepreneur, PhD student, and podcaster. The journey as
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