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Deja Joi Brewster
A driven consultant dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion. A mental health professional, and military spouse with over 10 years of experience in intersectionality, mental
Jaime Chapman
Empowering military spouse careers through employment & entrepreneurship. COO & Co-Founder, US Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce
Melissa St. Clair
Virtual worker bee in business to support small business.
Barbara Logan
My name is Barbara Logan, I am a army spouse, mother of three and the founder a 501c3 nonprofit called, Sisterhood Ministry. With 10 yrs
Joyous Spicer
Happily married to my proud military husband who teaches AFROTC at our local high school, has 31 years active duty and is still in Civil
Aria Spears
I help people turn one-on-one connections into a supportive community web. Forge Community is a one-stop shop for practical, process-based tools and support to help
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