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As an active duty Marine spouse, I am honored to support and serve as a wife, mother, entrepreneur, PhD student, and podcaster. The journey as a spouse led me to Hawaii, where I've had the opportunity to learn the power of remote work where I founded the Infinite Women's Network. My mission is to educate, empower and equip women to lead with excellence. I'm grateful to be here and look forward to networking, supporting and growing the mission.
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Jeannine Warrick
I am a Business Leader and a Virtual Assistant Business Coach. I am also a Small Business Mentor, Administrative Consultant, and the Alignable Alliance Ambassador for Gwinnett County, GA.
Jaime Chapman
Empowering military spouse careers through employment & entrepreneurship. COO & Co-Founder, US Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce
Melissa St. Clair
Virtual worker bee in business to support small business.
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