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Rebecca is an active duty Coast Guard spouse who specializes in holistic financial planning for active duty and transitioning military members, as well as working with veterans. Rebecca has the ability to plan for personal finances as well as businesses.
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Joana Linares
Bookkeeping professional offering a variety of customized and virtual bookkeeping solutions for service-based small businesses. Leveraging the power of QuickBooks® Online to efficiently organize your
Melissa Mannion
Melissa has been in travel / hospitality industry since '98 when she started with AirTran Airways. At Rosen School of Hospitality (UCF) she was members
Kaitlyn Haueter
I’m Kaitlyn Haueter and I am the Owner and Managing Director of Cedar Lane Bookkeeping Solutions. I studied Finance at the University of Maryland Smith
Birgit Hayhurst
German Attorney and Certified Tax Lawyer | Helping the Military Community in Germany as a subject matter expert for legal and tax |
Danielle Cobo
Elite Career Coach
Jaime Chapman
Empowering military spouse careers through employment & entrepreneurship. COO & Co-Founder, US Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce
Joyous Spicer
Happily married to my proud military husband who teaches AFROTC at our local high school, has 31 years active duty and is still in Civil
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