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“Widgeting” is my term for companies managing people as if they were cogs in a machine instead of the unicorns, flamingos, and interesting characters they are.

To counteract the tragedy spawning from an inability to effectively team, I created the Fatberg™️ Immersive Consulting Method and became a Certified YouMap®️ Coach.

I provide straightforward feedback from within a team to leverage each individual's unique contribution to achieve “Roadblock-Free Productivity and Team-Driven Progress.”
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Jaime Chapman
Empowering military spouse careers through employment & entrepreneurship. COO & Co-Founder, US Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce
Ashlee Marie
I'm a Speaker, Coach, Author, & Trainer skilled in personal & professional development! I help faith driven entrepreneurs looking to QUIT your 9-5 and build
Aria Spears
I help people turn one-on-one connections into a supportive community web. Forge Community is a one-stop shop for practical, process-based tools and support to help
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