Meet Melissa, she loves coffee.

From Stay at Home Mom to Coffee Connoisseur

Melissa and her husband have been married for 17 years after meeting each other during their time in the US Navy. When she was transferred to Hawaii, she  worked in the same shop as her husband. And the story as they say is “that’s all she wrote”! She served one tour in the Navy and got out. Then it became her turn as a Military Spouse. She stayed at home with her husband’s daughter, who she raised since she was 2.5 years old.
Eventually, they  had children together and that became Melissa’s identity. She was a stay at home mom who tried working throughout the years when her husband was still serving, but it never worked out. Daycare was too expensive and it made no sense working just to pay daycare. Melissa started attending school online, eventually finished school, and all three of the children were in school, so she was able to work. This was also around the time her husband was getting ready to retire. Since his retirement in 2015, it’s Melissa’s time to shine. She worked as a recruiter for healthcare companies and eventually transitioned into IT. But her greatest success outside of my family, is creating her own business.


Southern, Sweet & Sassy

Coffee Brings People Together

Melissa started Southern, Sweet & Sassy  as a way to connect military spouses with one another over the shared love of coffee. As a Military Spouse (and Veteran), she has experienced what it’s like relocating to a new area and not knowing anyone. It takes just that one spouse to bring the other over, have coffee and get to know them. Coffee is the social factor that connects us all!

Reach Out to Melissa

Raquel is a member of the U.S. Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce, you can find her business listed in our Member Directory, and below is her contact information.


Email: [email protected]




Facebook Group:

Phone: 843-410-9407