Have you met Lady Liberty?
We Have… And She is Awe Inspiring
“Liberty Enlightening the World” is an icon symbolizing freedom and enlightenment. She is adorned with a torch lighting the path to liberty and a 7 spiked crown representing freedom and her divinity that unites the seven continents. Her tablet of law is shaped as a keystone, an architechtural stone holding structures together. She is actively walking, wearing her broken shackles, leading us all to freedom. She is poised on a star shaped foundation, the remnants of Fort Wood a military fortess formerly protecting the bay from invaders. Lady Liberty symbolizes something different to all of us. A welcome to the United States, being freed from oppression, pride in being American, or something more.

Behind the Brand
A brand is more than a logo and a color pallete, it evokes emotion, and a sense of identity. The Military Spouse Chamber is here to empower military spouses and to create a sense of belonging.
Why We Chose Lady Liberty
The U.S. Military Spouse Chamber of Commerce is proudly “the home of military spouse owned business.” — We wanted this organization to feel like home to military spouses… There is no better visual representation of “coming home” to a U.S. military spouse than Lady Liberty who has been welcoming people to America since her construction began in September of 1875.
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